Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blogpost # 7: The Last Possible Infections

The movie "The Night of the Living Dead" created a big influence to everyone. It started the phenomena among scientist and ordinary people about the existence of a cannibalistic zombie. Though, before the concept of this flesh-eating corpses arrives, the idea of going back to life after death even in ancient era, is never a new issue anymore. And speaking of this phenomena, theories of how it will happen is now categorized into four namely, viral infection, toxin infection, mythological infection and spiritual infection.

These theories were supported by an article entitled, "Zombie Infection Theories" from There is no specific author mentioned, but the article is mainly about the four infection theories mentioned earlier. It explained the theories one by one with scientifical basis.

The first infection in the article is about the viral infection. Among all the infection stated, this is the most common infection we all know and what the Hollywood movies about zombies portray that will trigger the plague. In addition, the article doesn't explain this viral infection as a virus alone but the author divided its explanation into two parts: the natural virus and the man made pathogen.

The natural virus, according to the author is an evolved virus from a specific virus. He added that this virus is incurable much like HIV and Malaria. He suggests that it will mutate on its own and will find its way into human population. On the other hand, the man made pathogen is a laboratory experiment, that can be spread by either accident or on purpose. But for the author's opinion, either man made or natural virus, both of them function on the same purpose; to start a plague and destroy the human race.

The next theory is about the toxin infection. This theory is very much similar to my previous blog post. It is based on the voodoo practices in Haiti, where the concept of zombies started. The author explains that this theory originates from a toxic powder which can be created from a blowfish bladder. This powder stands like an antidote used by priests to turn a corpse as their mindless slave.

The third theory is all about mythological infection. This infection is related to the toxin infection, it is just that, this theory is more about magical spells and curses. The author explains that zombies are very closely related to other famous mythological creatures, such as vampires and werewolves, because three of them were created through biting. He also stated that vampires are the first creatures to be classified as zombies, because them too are immortals and can only be feed by blood. It just a matter of time when zombies and vampires are classified as individuals because vampires are more sexually desirable creatures unlike zombies that play our very human aversion to the dead.

The last one of the theories is the spiritual infection. This infection theory is very different among the three because it adapts biblical references. It explains that, if there will be no more room for the dead in the afterlife, the soul becomes distorted, deranged and destroyed until it stuck in the human body. As a result, ourselves will turn into a mad mindless creatures looking for flesh meat to eat. But unlike the viral, toxin, and mythological infections, the transmission of spiritual infection is much more complicated. It cannot be transmitted through bite, but the author explains that it can be transmitted through emotional pain that naturally kills a human soul (where to cycle begins) and so on.

"The zombie outbreak will ultimately be a product of our own making, and we, as a race, will either fall victim to it, or rise against it. How it occurs could either be a way to defeat it, or a way to understand ourselves," states the author.

The author's statement is very similar from other authors' statements as well. Zombie outbreak is definitely just a product of our own imagination. As long as there are many theories that explains how the apocalypse will happen, the more we're going to be confused to the idea.

Since spiritual infection theory is not so familiar when it regards to the zombie outbreak, is this could be the last possible infection? And since it has biblical references, a short article found in entitled, "Zombies in the Bible?" written by Angryvikingman, presents verses that explain prophecies about the zombie apocalypse.

The author shows excerpts from Zechariah and Revelations. Here is one verse found on the article from Zechariah 14:12:

"And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths."

It is not clearly explained if this verse is about the zombie apocalypse. But from what the verse stated, it is clearly similar to the characteristics of a zombie; walking corpse with rotten body. Many were terrified to this because most of them take the bible as the truth. It is their general reference and guide to their life and to the future.

Angryvikingman also added that maybe the prophets who made the prophecy about this may have seen exactly what will happen. But because science is not yet emerging from those times, they were just able to explain it using simple words and not as accurately as it was explained today.

"The bible is rife with resurrection, the dead coming to life, and stories and alliterations to the end of times. Perhaps, the plague God uses to wipe the earth clean is a plague of Zombies," says the author.

We are very different from the way God thinks. We are just his creation and we are far beyond his own knowledge. We may explain the complexity of his creations using science, but we can't explain it as what God can do. He is the God. He creates the divine plan. He plans what will happen to the world and how it will end. We are just created to follow these plans and give praise to him. If God will create a zombie plague, the only thing we could do is to trust Him. He always have a better plan for us anyway.

Again, all the possibilities of zombie apocalypse were already presented. It gets more complicated and more complicated. Whether you believe the viral infection theory, or the toxin infection theory, or either mythological and spiritual infection theory, it is your choice. You have free will to decide which of this theory you're going to believe in. That is your power. You have the power to decide.

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