Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blogpost # 6: Zombie for the Believers and Non-Believers

The influence of zombie apocalypse movies is a widespread. It changed the society's perspective that it can happen any time now. After it became a mainstream, a lot of theorists are now presenting their ideas and hypothesis to the possibilities for it to happen. Others at the same time, are creating articles regarding on how to survive the said apocalypse. However, the idea was not really approved by everyone. Some were not contended even though plenty of scientific evidences support it. Instead, the non-believers also use scientific evidences and explanations that zombie outbreak is a failure.

In an article from entitled, "7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)" by David Dietle, explains all the possible things that can ruin the most-feared outbreak. The article started from a proposition that zombies are real and the logic that are commonly found in any zombie shows and movies.

More on about the article, the first scientific reason that zombie outbreak will fail is because we have too many natural predators. Dietle goes back in explaining that humans are the creatures on the top of the food chain. It is because, we are the only creature who can kill anything skillfully and can think critically, but we all lose this human characteristics as we turn into a zombie. He also explains that by losing these characteristics, we will become visible to other natural predators. Examples are decomposers, such as maggots and insects, since they are feed by rot flesh as what a zombie's skin looks like. Dietle also added that zombies are no match to wildlife such as in Africa where it is terrorized by cannibalistic lions.

Next scientific explanations are, zombies can't take both heat and cold. As what mentioned earlier, one of the major characteristics of this undead is their rotting flesh. Imagine a meat being exposed to the sun for a whole day. Later on, it will rot. Moreover, how about if this happens to a rotting flesh of a zombie? It will not just become rotter, but will become fully dysfunctional. Aside from that, as what other articles stated, zombies have weak bodies. If they were exposed to cold due to winter, their bodies will become too rigid and too fragile.

Fourth reason is about the bite. As a recall to my previous blog post, one of the main reason that can trigger this apocalypse is through biting. It is not just the main reason but the most common reason to the epidemic, according from science and of course, from movies. If this is a very common reason, then it is not a problem anymore in tracing back where it originates. It will always just about a guy who bites and can be defeated if he's shot to the head.

According to the article, another reason is that zombies doesn't have any healing abilities. Healing abilities are one of the best ability human possesses. It can restore our body from deep cuts and wounds. Since zombies doesn't have any of this ability anymore, their wounded bodies will eventually get worse until they weren't able to attack or take advantage.

Second to the last reason is that, our environment is full of zombie-proof barriers. Zombies are naturally the dumbest creature on planet. They almost lost 90% of human abilities they once had. The author also stated that we don't need to do what protagonists or group of survivors do in movies and television shows. Let mother nature do the task for ourselves.

The last reason is because we are generally armed with weapons. We are now living in a technology era and we already created a lot of highly functional and advanced weapons. As what the article stated, "zombies are the dumbest creature on planet." What can these "dumb" creatures can do with the advanced technologies? They can't even hold a gun for themselves. All they do is to walk, to growl and to eat. We could just blow up their heads into pieces without even touched by them. Not to mention skilled criminals terrorist and atomic bombs that can destroy a whole country and race.

"Really, even if zombies existed right now, the whole concept of a zombie apocalypse is just laughable," says David Dietle.

From all of the articles I've read, I strongly agree to this statement. It is really laughable because even though a lot of hypothesis supports the existence of zombie apocalypse, they forgot to take into account the scientific reasons as what this article stated. Well, it happens most of the time. Before we believe into something, we must first think about how it will happen and how it will not happen.

Every person on this planet varies from the way they think. There still others who want the apocalypse to happen. In another article from the same site entitled, "5 Reasons You Secretly Want a Zombie Apocalypse" by Jame Davidson, explains the other reasons why most people want a zombie apocalypse. And from what the site actually do, they ranked it from the least reason to the most common reason.

The fifth reason, according to the author, is because of the guilt free violence. As what I've mentioned from my previous blog post, younger generations tend to be more attractive to zombies. It is because they are looking for more experience and thrilling emotions. In case that the outbreak happens, we are now free to do want we want. We can ruin the street, we can kill these monsters without grieving any guilt.

Next is because of free Stuff, without all that damned work. Waking up early in the morning, doing our school works, and etc., are sometimes get so boring especially if we keep doing it everyday. With zombie apocalypse, we are now free from our daily routine schedule. In addition to that, there will be tons of free stuff such as cars, abandoned luxury cars that can be availed even with just walking down the streets. Who else will not rejoice from "free stuff?"

As the technology emerges, life becomes more complex. The author of the article exemplified how life is on the stone age eras, where we can easily find food by just hunting. Unlike now, you need to work non-stop for almost 12 hours a day, 30 times a month, just to earn money which we can use to avail our foods. If the apocalypse happens, life will become simple again. Hiding, hunting, defending yourselves are all you just need to do and no more irritating boss, paper works will be done.

Second, still from the article, is that zombie apocalypse can make us act like a jerk without any consequences. Try to dig up your mind about things you want to do with your life; take a poo on the street? Be naked in public? Ride a helicopter and make it explode with a bazooka just like from the game Grand Theft Auto? Whatever fantasies we have in our mind, the apocalypse will allow us to do it. No more cops, no more laws that keep holding our necks throughout our lives.

Last one is because we all want to become the alpha dog. Most of the people hate about their life right right now, is because they are servant of their own bosses. Let us face it. No one wants to be under of anybody. But these days, we don't have the choice. We are all born with different life statuses. Zombie apocalypse, worst as it is, but it can help us to achieve our own dreams. We can either build our own group or be a member of a certain group. It's our choice anyway.

"That's why the collapse of society is key in a Zombie Apocalypse," says James Davidson.

The idea of being free because of zombie apocalypse is nice but it's kind a disappointing from what the author had stated. The society that once we had since we were born will collapse in any second, once the outbreak starts. Personally, I want to do everything I want, but I don't want the society to collapse. The rules of the society is what makes life more exciting because it limits us. If we could just do whatever we want, eventually we will get tired of it. For short, you will appreciate more what you've got if you took it by effort.

There will always be two kinds of people regarding to zombie apocalypse; the believers and non-believers. The believers will always pursue this to happen while the non-believers will always state the possibilities for it to not happen. But its not the right time to decide which of the both sides is right or wrong. The best thing we can do is to prepare; prepare for the worst, and prepare for the best.

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